Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Stamped Now Lets You Get Recommendations Beyond Your Friend Network

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Stamped released an update to its iPhone app Thursday that enables users tap into a wider range of product and service recommendations. The iPhone app iTunes link, which was developed by a team of (mostly) former Google employees, lets users keep track of and share the things they like, including restaurants, books, films and other apps, with their friends. (To learn more about how the app works, see our initial review here .) Since its launch in November, users have been able to access the recommendations of their friends, as well as recognizable tastemakers including chef Mario Batali (an advisor to the startup) and New York magazine. Now, users can view the recommendations of not only their friends, but also friends of friends and what’s popular among the entire Stamped network by toggling a slider beneath the map feature (see right). As users slide to the right, more pins will appear on the map with highlighted locations. Users can also run a search up top for things like “dance club” or “dark chocolate souffle,” which will scan not only restaurant names, tags and reviews, but also full menus (a feature being rolled out over the next few days). The update should prove useful to existing users, and provide a better on-boarding experience for first-time users whose friends aren’t — and might never become — active users of the app. More About: iphone app , stamped Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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