Monday, July 4, 2011

Mfarhanonline:CNG closure in Punjab region irks citizens

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Mfarhanonline Business News LAHORE: The CNG stations would remain closed for three days in various cities of the Punjab province from today, following the load management schedule, business News reported. The closure is creating panic among public.

According to Sui Southern Gas Company notice, CNG stations in Lahore, Gujranwala, Sahiwal and Multan regions have been closed from Monday morning at 6 am, while gas supply would be halted in Islamabad, Muree, Faisalabad and Bahawalpur on Thursday, Friday and Staurday.

The locals expressed their concerns over the suspension of gas as they were expecting relief from gas loadshedding from July 1 but the government disappointed them. The CNG sector consumes less gas as compared to power plants and industrial units and gas closure is equivalent to posing threat to the jobs for those working on daily wages.

According to the report, long queues of vehicles were witnessed in Lahore, Multan and Gujranwala as the CNG would not be available from today till Wednesday (from July 04 to July 06).

CNG Association strongly criticised the decision of 2-day and 3-day gas loadshedding for Sindh and Punjab respectively and convened the emergency meeting in Rawalpindi to decide the future course of action.

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