Friday, July 8, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Fast food outlets changes eating habits

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Mfarhanonline News LAHORE: There has been a sea-change in theeating habits, mostly of the younger generation, ever since the appearance of fast food outlets.

The modern looking eateries are mainly attracting the upper middle and high income groups in a big way. The areas where these outlets are in high concentration present a very festive look after the sunset as queues of cars could be seen heading towards these spots.

The new way of dinning out has brought though some relief to women as they have been spared of their evening ordeal of cooking food at home.

At the same time it has become a source of criticism by the medical professionals as they point out the fast food as a high calory diet which may lead to many physical disorders.

Notwithstanding the criticism the crowding of these places suggest that people generally enjoy their evenings by having new varieties of quick food.

Visit of a very popular pizza outlet in Gulberg the other day exposed that the new setting of pizza outlets with high quality air conditioning, stylish furniture, good cutlery, uniformed and educated waiters–all such factors conspire to attract youngsters to these spots.

At one point where people from the middle and lower income group are struggling to run their kitchens these hotels and restaurants mainly set up with foreign investment are doing a roaring business.

Most of these outlets would provide you a home delivery service which has added a new dimension to modern eating habits.

There is a clear evidence that these western-oriented eateries have snatched reasonably business from the local eateries. Many of the local food restaurants have either been closed down or experiencing a noticeable decline in their business. The new outlets have also a bearing on the once very famous food outlets. The city is witnessing a wiping out of the popular Chinese restaurants as well.

On one side where these fast food points have taken the people by storm, they are also serving as tax collectors for the government as almost every thing you take is taxed at the rate of ten to fifteen per cent. (APP)

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