Friday, July 15, 2011

Mfarhanonline:HOW TO: Add Mfarhanonline Staff to Your Circles on Google+

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Already using Google+? Follow Mfarhanonline News for the latest about the platform’s new features, tips and tricks as well as our top social media and technology updates. Ever since it’s launch on June 28, the tech community has been rushing to join Google+ — and Mfarhanonline staffers are no exception. We’re learning how to use the newest social network right along with you, and would love to interact with you there. We’ll be posting Mfarhanonline stories, tidbits about what we’re working on and asking for feedback about the platform. Here’s a list of individual Mfarhanonline employees using Google+ that you can add to your circles. You can also follow Mfarhanonline News . We look forward to engaging with you there! + Ada Ospina – NYC Office Manager + Adam Hirsch – COO + Adam Ostrow – Editor in Chief + Amy-Mae Elliott – Features Writer + Andrew Reedman – U.S. Director of Sales + Ben Parr – Editor at Large + Brenna Ehrlich – Associate Editor of Media & Entertainment + Brian Anthony Hernandez – Copy Editor + Brian Dresher Director of Business Development + Brie Manakul – Ad Ops Manager + Charlie White – Senior Editor + Chelsea Stark – Community Intern + Christina Warren – Mobile and Development & Design Reporter + Connie Preti – Community Intern + Emily Banks – Assistant News Editor + Erica Swallow – Partner Content Associate Editor + Frederick Townes – CTO + Jennifer Van Grove – Startups Reporter + Josh Catone – Features Editor + Karen Hartline – Events Director + Kate Hayden – Events Assistant + Lauren Drell – Partner Content Assistant Editor + Lauren Indvik – Marketing & Media Associate Editor + Louis Dorman – Art Director + Matt Sil! verman & #8211; Associate Features Editor + Meghan Peters – Community Manager + Pete Cashmore – Founder and CEO + Robyn Peterson – Senior VP of Product + Sana Ahmed – Executive Assistant + Sarah Kessler – Startups Reporter + Sharon Feder – Publisher + Stacy Green – Communications Director + Stefanie Rennert – HR Manager + Stephanie Buck – Editorial Intern + Stephanie Haberman – Community Assistant + Tamar Weinberg – Community and Global Advertising + Tanya Salah – West Coast Sales Director + Todd Olmstead – Community Intern + Todd Wasserman – Business and Marketing Editor + Zachary Sniderman – Social Good Assistant Editor + Zoe Fox – Social Good Intern More About: Google , Google Circles , staff For more Social Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Social Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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