Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mfarhanonline:PML-N, MQM to work as joint opposition

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Mfarhanonline News ISLAMABAD: Leaders from the MQM and PML-N met here on Wednesday and decided that both parties would work together as a joint opposition in the National and Provincial assemblies on key national issues, mfarhanonline News reported.

Raza Haroon, Haider Abbs Rizvi and Waseem Akhtar represented the MQM in the meeting while the PML-N was represented by Ishaq Dar, Saad Rafique Mushaidullah and Pervez Rashid.

Reading a joint communiqué before the media after the conclusion of the meeting, MQM MNA Haider Abbas Rizvi said that the two parties would work together on key national issues such as inflation, loadshedding, law and order, corruption, the political scenario in the country, 'historic rigging' during the AJK elections, 'excessive use of authority' by the government and boosting the business activity in the country.

"It was decided for the national interest that the two parties would energetically play a joint political role by remaining within the domain of the law and Constitution," he added.

To a question, Ishaq Dar said Pakistan and India had fought three wars 'so should we stop engaging in bilateral talks?'

He said there was no use talking about what happened in the past. "Now is the time to look forward," he added.

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