Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Test championship could witness a Timeless Test: Lorgat

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Mfarhanonline Sports News LONDON: The new world Test championship could witness the first ”timeless” Test in more than 70 years, according to Haroon Lorgat.

The International Cricket Council (ICC) chief executive said the format, where matches are played to a finish, regardless of time constraints, could be revived for the final of a four-team tournament to determine the world”s leading Test side due to take place in England in 2013.

Currently Tests are limited to five days, usually with six hours” playing time, but can end in a draw if bad weather interrupts the match or either side cannot bowl out the other twice.

“It is common knowledge that we hope in 2013 the top four teams will be involved in two semi-finals and a final to determine a world Test champion,” Lorgat said.

“The committee is currently working on it but it is not a good idea to end up with a drawn Test match.

“Whether (drawn games) are decided on a first-innings basis or on runs scored in the game we don”t know but they will come up with a viable formula to determine a winner.

“The final may be a timeless Test, at this stage we don”t know but we are looking into the mechanics.”

The last ”timeless” Test took place between South Africa and England at Durban in 1939 which was eventually declared a draw after nine” days play spread across 12 days in all.

A draw ensued when the England team had to leave or they would have missed the boat home. England”s fourth innings total of 654 for five remains a record for a first-class match and the ”timeless” Test remains the longest yet played.

“Statistics tell us that most Test matches now produce a result inside five days, but it may yet be a timeless Test,” added Lorgat.

“It is a work in progress but I would favour finding a winner because you want a world champion,” the South African explained.

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