Friday, December 2, 2011

Mfarhanonline:JolieBox Brings Beauty Samples by Subscription Service to Europe

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark . If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here . Name: JolieBox Quick Pitch: Get four to six sample-sized cosmetics products delivered to your door each month. Genius Idea: JolieBox , which shamelessly pitches itself as the “French equivalent of Birchbox,” is quickly advancing into additional European markets. On Friday, the startup acquired Boudoir Privé — the “UK equivalent of Birchbox” if you will. Boudoir Privé’s existing team will become JolieBox UK. Like Birchbox , JolieBox delivers a “Beauty Box” containing cosmetics products from high-end manufacturers for €13 ($17.42) per month. (Birchbox’s costs $10 per month for four to five samples.) Samples range from moisturizers and fragrances to hair conditioner and makeup. Lancôme, Laura Mercier and L'Occitane are among the more than 30 brands which have participated in the service. Unlike BirchBox, Joliebox does not allow users to purchase full-sized versions of the products they ship out on their site — a missed revenue opportunity, in our opinion. The company does however provide information about where subscribers can purchase full-sized products. The less than one-year-old startup has approximately 10,000 subscribers, and raised €1 million in funding from Alven Capital in October. No additional expansion plans have been announced to date. Series Supported by Microsoft BizSpark The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark , a startup program that gives you three-year access to the latest Microsoft development tools, as well as connecting you to a nationwide network of investors and incu! bators. There are no upfront costs, so if your business is privately owned, less than three years old, and generates less than U.S.$1 million in annual revenue, you can sign up today . More About: beauty , Birchbox , bizspark , joliebox , spark-of-genius For more Business coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Business on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Business channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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