Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Marks of dictators removed from Constitution: Zardari

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Geo 436 BAHAWALPUR: President Asif Ali Zardari said Pakistan People's Party implemented 80 percent of its manifesto after clearing the Constitution of stains of dictators. Addressing workers of Ashraf Sugar Mills here on Wednesday, he said PPP is engaged in a battle of ideas and wants to serve and give rights to the poor, farmers and labourers. "We think Pakistan is the trust of people but some think it is their property. We want to rule hearts of the people and not palaces." In the last two years, many fronts were opened to remove PPP government but with the support of the poor people who hold the real power all attempts were foiled, he added. With the prayers of the poor, all the trash inserted by the dictators has been removed by the PPP government, he said adding Benazir Bhutto brought democracy to Pakistan by holding dialogue at the international level. He said PPP should be allowed to work for its term of five years. "I promise we will change the system. We will fulfill the dreams and implement the manifesto set by Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto." He advised the analysts who consider themselves authority on politics to contest and win election before offering political solutions.

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