Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pupils raise funds for Pak flood in UK

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Wikileaks LONDON: Students, parents and staff from Tauheedul Islam Girls High School and Tauheedul Islam Mosque in Blackburn, north west England have raised an outstanding 46,000 pounds towards the Pakistan Flood Relief Appeal.
The cheque has been presented by school officials to a Bolton-based international relief and development charity Ummah Welfare Trust. Students and worshippers have worked over the past few months, organising activities and collecting donations to rebuild lives devastated by the floods.
In a statement to the media Friday, Tauheedul Islam Mosque President, Lord Adam Patel, said: Everyone in the community, young and old, felt great shock and compassion for millions of our brothers and sisters in Pakistan. We wanted to come together as one community to express our solidarity with those affected. 


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