Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mfarhanonline:8 Holiday Apps That Are Just Plain Silly

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: The holiday season is in full swing, and smartphone and tablet app stores are flooded with products designed to capitalize on the winter cheer. Old standbys such as Angry Birds Seasons debut timely updates to revamp gamer interest, while apps such as Cut The Rope develop entirely new products to attract a new wave of gamers eager to celebrate their holiday feelings with Om Nom. Along with this wave of new material comes apps specifically designed to provide holiday entertainment. In the sea of talking Santas and augmented reality apps, new entertainment products spring up faster than jokey novelty stocking stuffers at the sales counter of your local toy store. Here are 8 apps that corner the market on holiday minutia. Need a way to spread holiday cheer? Turns out, there really is an app for that. Is there a holiday unitasker you love (or loathe) to unleash on your peers? Let us know in the comments below. 1. Mr. Breen Christmas Counter This puzzling anomaly of an Android widget features a rather intense-looking fellow in a Santa hat staring out coldly into the void and thinking about how many days left until Christmas. If that’s not enough to get you into the holiday mood, if you tap the face, Jingle Bells will begin playing. Click here to view this gallery. More About: android , apps , Christmas , Hannukah , Holidays 2011 , iphone Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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