Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Need an API? Try Mashapeâs Marketplace INVITES

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Startup Mashape launched a marketplace for APIs of all kinds Thursday. For startups looking to create or license their web-based products, an API marketplace is a boon. It allows for quick publicizing and discovery of APIs, and lets its users easily match them to developers’ needs. Mashape is also launching a simple billing system and social features for API providers. “Most of the value of information technology will be delivered and sold via APIs in the near future; and not only services but also things connected to the Internet,” Mashape co-founder Augusto Marietti said in a release. “We just want to build the ecosystem to let this happen, faster.” The marketplace already has more than 110 APIs, including tools for SMS, geolocation, music services, photo filters, travel, games and a great deal more. SEE ALSO: Mfarhanonline’s Series on API Management API providers can list any JSON API using a wizard interface and five auto-generated client libraries (PHP, Ruby, Python, Obj-C and Java) and API tools. And API consumers can use any Mashape-listed API with a single developer key and a standardized interface. There’s also an online Test Console for playing around with APIs before committing to use one. If you’d like to give the Mashape marketplace a shot, just use the coupon code Mfarhanonline to get into the beta now. Image based on a photo from iStockphoto user alxpin . More About: api , api management , developers , development , mashape For more Dev & Design coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Dev & Design on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Dev & Design channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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