Mfarhanonline Tech News: Here’s some news you probably didn’t expect to read today: The Commodore Amiga brand is back with its first PC in 20 years. The iconic partnership, which spawned a gaming titan in the early 90s, returns with a powerhouse of a PC, reminiscent of an Apple Mac mini on steroids. The Commodore Amiga Mini, which is now available to buy from CommodoreUSA brings a 3.5GHz Intel i7 processor, 16GB of RAM and NVIDIA’s GeForce GT 430 (1GB) graphics card with 1GB DDR3. The attractive 3-inch high, 7.5-inch square box also boasts a Blu-ray optical drive, a 1TB HDD which can be expanded through the built-in space for two 2.5-inch hard-drives. An historic day The Commodore Amigo Mini, which also features a Wi-Fi radio and Bluetooth, retails for a very premium $2,495, including a copy of the company’s Linux-based Vision OS. Commodore CEO Barry Altman said: “This is an historic day. The team here has been working around the clock to fulfill the vision of a reunited Commodore and AMIGA branded computer with the launch of our new Commodore AMIGA mini.” Commodore also took the opportunity to reveal the C64X Supreme, an improved version of last year’s relaunched retro classic .

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