Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Apple has applied for a patent for a Fitness Center App with social media components that might be able to bring a variety of fitness-tracking capabilities under one icon. The United States Patent and Trademark Office published Apple’s patent Thursday. The app would include an extensive back end for fitness centers to interact with their customers, and the front end that will reside on the iPhone, helping users keep track of their workouts and find potential workout partners via social networking. There’s a Groupon -like component to the software, which lets fitness centers start off their interaction with prospective customers by offering a “free pass,” as well as sending them “news, updates, daily promotions and daily activities,” according to the patent application outlined on PatentlyApple.com . Besides benefiting fitness centers, users would be able to find potential workout partners, leveraging data they’ve input as well as profile information from their social networking accounts. The app could also pit one user against another, inspiring competition while motivating users to stick with their fitness plans. Building on Apple’s Nike+ experience, the app would connect with smart exercise equipment, keeping accurate records of workout accomplishments, and then matching those against the user’s goals. In the patent application, Apple specified gathering fitness data via both physically connected exercise equipment and wireless coupling using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. While a lot of these functions are already available via apps and websites , if Apple decides to create this app, it will probably wrap all these different functions into a smoothly integrated user experience. Let us know in the comments if you think this is an original idea that should be released or if you think! Apple i s copying multiple applications that already exist. More About: apple , fitness app , iphone app , Nike , patent , social networking , USPTO For more Tech & Gadgets coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Tech & Gadgets on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Tech & Gadgets channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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