Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Daily deals juggernaut Groupon has partnered with consumer packaged goods giant General Mills to offer subscribers a first-of-a-kind home delivery grocery deal Thursday. The “Redeem From Home” General Mills Sample Pack features $40 worth of General Mills products — including a coupon book and breakfast, lunch and dinner fare — for $20. The grocery deal was offered solely in San Francisco and Minneapolis. Eligible consumers responded with alacrity and snatched up the groceries before day’s end. In Minneapolis, for instance, the deal sold out at 3:05 p.m. local time with all 4,500 Groupons purchased. General Mills believes itself to be Groupon’s first consumer packaged goods partner. There’s no indication that the soon-to-IPO company is exploring other consumer packaged goods deals, and we suspect that most big brands are likely to balk at the company’s margins, but there’s still something fresh about this supermarket sweep. As for General Mills, the brand is hoping the deal will turn Groupon samplers into grocery-store name brand buyers. “We’re always looking for efficient ways to sample our products and given Groupon’s scale, we thought this would be a way to reach a sizeable audience,” General Mills’ director of product marketing Karl Schmidt told Advertising Age . “Our goal is to get trial across a breadth of products and get people to go into the grocery store with follow-up purchases.” Image courtesy of Flickr, Artbandito More About: daily deals , general mills , groupon , MARKETING , partnership For more Business & Marketing coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Business & Marketing on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Business & Marketing channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPa! d Socia l Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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