Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Debt collector stalking you on Facebook? Melanie Beacham says it’s harassment, and took debt collector MarkOne Financial to court, trying to get the company to stop sending her Facebook messages about the debt she owed. The company also allegedly sent such messages to everyone else on her Facebook friends list. Behind on her car payments, Beacham started receiving as many as 23 calls per day from MarkOne Financial before it found her on Facebook, according to the Orlando Sentinel . A Florida judge put a stop to the phone calls and online messages in a preliminary ruling, barring the debt collector from calling her, or from contacting her, anyone in her family, or any of her Facebook friends. According to the Orlando Sentinel , this is the first court decision of its kind, and it could strike fear in the hearts of debt collectors everywhere, who are eager to use any legal means necessary to get that money back. The woman didn’t have enough money for car payments, but she somehow was able to get an attorney to represent her in court. However, that attorney is Billy Howard, who’s in charge of the consumer protection department at personal-injury law firm Morgan and Morgan , a well-heeled outfit that includes big names such as former Florida Governor Charlie Crist. We’re guessing the firm is taking care of the expenses of this high-profile lawsuit. There’s another side to the story: The woman needed to pay her bills, or sell her car. She signed a contract to do so. Or, she never should have bought a car she couldn’t afford in the first place. But there are always extenuating circumstances. There’s middle ground here, where debt collectors should be able to reasonably collect their debts, but within limits. The question is, where is that line debt collectors shouldn’t cross? Commenter! s, tell us what you think. Image courtesy Flickr/ eric731 More About: Car Payments , Debt collector , facebook , harassment , trending For more Social Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Social Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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