Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Look what the sun’s been up to over the past year. This spectacular highlight reel of videos shot by NASA ‘s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) commemorates the year anniversary of when NASA revealed the first images taken by the spacecraft. Over the past year, the sun has gone from one of the most docile periods in many years to the point where you might say that all hell is breaking loose. That’s what makes this video so compelling. Says NASA: The Solar Dynamics Observatory mission has returned unprecedented images of solar flares, eruptions of prominences, and the early stages of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In this video are some of the most beautiful, interesting, and mesmerizing events seen by SDO during its first year. To get an idea of the scale we’re talking about, take a look at this: When you look at a video of the sun, you’re looking at the origin of all life. As Carl Sagan told us , “The Earth — and every living thing — are made of star stuff.” Can’t get enough sun gazing? Go to NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory site , where you can see the way the sun looks right now. Video and picture courtesy NASA More About: Carl Sagan , NASA , SDO , solar dynamics Observatory , solar flares , video For more Tech & Gadgets coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Tech & Gadgets on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Tech & Gadgets channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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