Content Writing Services in Pakistan
0 Comments - 04 Jul 2013
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Search Engine Optimization services In Pakistan
1 Comments - 04 Jul 2013
Why prefer Hostrings SEO for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Hostrings SEO are one of the few companies who use the industry standard SEO Tools for both Tracking Ranking for websites and Keyword Analysis. We design and develop the sites keeping in mind the Search Engine Optimization needs using the White Hat SEO procedures and Standar...

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Flat, Shiny Keyboard Is Actually a Touchscreen VIDEO

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: If you like typing on a touchscreen, you’re going to love this thin Minebea Cool Leaf Keyboard. Strangely enough, even though the keyboard itself is one large touchscreen, it doesn’t bring any of the versatility such a format (like the Razer laptop’s keyboard we saw at CES) could offer. For instance, imagine substituting a video window for the number pad, or designing your own keyboard layouts for specific tasks, or even displaying tool palettes for Photoshop. Let’s hope Minebea explores that kind of versatility with this keyboard that already possesses multitouch capability. If you’re touch typist, the inability to feel the keys might be a dealbreaker, but if you’re a germ freak, this flat and shiny keyboard will be a whole lot easier to keep clean. It must be a fingerprint magnet, as evidenced by its shiny nature and included cleaning cloth. To be released first in Japan on May 13, it’s a USB keyboard with 108 keys that only works with Windows thus far. Minebea reps say a Mac version will be available soon, and the Japanese version will be rolling out first, followed by those that contain the correct character set and key layout for English, German, French and Italian. When you turn the keyboard off, its surface is reflective enough to be used as a mirror, perfect for looking yourself in the face and asking yourself this question: Why did I just spend $245 on this keyboard? Here’s a quiet, even meditative, video of the keyboard in action: Via CrunchGear More About: keyboards , Minebea Cool Leaf Keyboard , peripherals , touchscreen For more Tech & Gadgets coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Tech & Gadgets on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Tech & Gadgets channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series ma! intain b y Mayya

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