Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Google News for mobile is getting more location-aware, now using your location to serve up news items relevant to your whereabouts. Friday, Google rolled out the new feature, called “News Near You,” to iPhone and Android owners using the U.S. English edition of Google News for mobile. “Now you can find local news on your smartphone,” Google News Product Manager Navneet Singh says of the update . “We do local news a bit differently, analyzing every word in every story to understand what location the news is about and where the source is located.” Google News for mobile will prompt you with a pop-up message asking if you’d like to share your location. Should you choose to do so, news concerning your location will show up in the “News Near You” section at the bottom of your homepage, and a “Jump to” drop-down menu will let you navigate to the section quickly. More About: Google , google news , local news For more Mobile coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Mobile on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Mobile channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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