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0 Comments - 04 Jul 2013
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Search Engine Optimization services In Pakistan
1 Comments - 04 Jul 2013
Why prefer Hostrings SEO for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Hostrings SEO are one of the few companies who use the industry standard SEO Tools for both Tracking Ranking for websites and Keyword Analysis. We design and develop the sites keeping in mind the Search Engine Optimization needs using the White Hat SEO procedures and Standar...

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Inside Google Music PICS

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: We’ve just cracked the seal on Google Music , and so far, we’re pretty impressed. First, the service’s Music Manager desktop app scraped our iTunes (it can also go through other apps to find your full music collection); it will automatically add new songs to a Google Music account (in the cloud, of course) as soon as they’re added to iTunes. After a few minutes, the songs uploaded to Google Music from iTunes on the desktop automatically appeared on our Android phone and tablet. It took five minutes or so for the first 150 songs to upload. We imagine getting one’s entire musical library onto Google Music could take some time, especially for the hardcore music fans out there. The service can store up to 20,000 songs per user on up to eight authorized devices. But as for the wireless syncing between devices, the experience doesn’t get much more simple or convenient than this one. We’d love it if our iTunes playlists synced, as well, but we’ll take what we can get for the time being. Here’s a gallery showing you a step-by-step walkthrough of Google Music. Sign up while the service is in beta — especially in you’re an Android user, the benefits are definitely worth a short wait. Google’s Desktop Music Manager Here, the Music Manager is combing through iTunes to grab our songs and start uploading them. Google Music Interface The UI is simple and intuitive, like a lot of other Google products. Google Music UI Close-Up Google Music Album Here’s what an album looks like inside Google Music — nothing fancy, everything familiar. There’s a thumbs up/thumbs down feature, too. Google Music on Android We wrote a whole post about how Google Music looks on Android devices , but here’s a super slick carousel featuring music that was uploaded from our! desktop iTunes to the Google Music cloud and automatically synced to the Android phone. Google Music Genres Google sorts music by a few standard criteria, including genre, artist and album. It can also create “instant playlists” of similar songs once you’ve got a large enough database of songs uploaded. Top image based on photo from iStockphoto user filonmar More About: android , Google , google music For more Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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