Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Apple iPad 3 / iPad HD to showcase new touchscreen tech?

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Mfarhanonline Tech News: The next generation Apple iPad 3 / iPad HD will come toting an improved ‘E-Sense textured touchscreen’ when unveiled on Wednesday, according to The Guardian. The newspaper reckons that Apple will showcase a new display which will appear to have ‘texture’ and make the touchscreen feel rough, rigid or rounded in certain areas. The report points out that this would explain Apple’s emphasis on the word ‘touch’ in an invite sent out to the media last week. Media outlets were alerted to Apple’s San Francisco event on March 7th which read: “We have something you really have to see. And touch.” Not just a Retina Display? Many observers have assumed that the invite only refers to a high-resolution Retina Display , rather than any improvement to the tablet’s touchscreen. However, The Guardian asserts that a Finnish company called Senseg are behind a potential announcement that none of the iPad 3 rumours have picked up on. “The Guardian believes that the “touch” refers to a technology from Senseg, a Finnish startup which has developed a system called E-Sense which appears to give texture to a touchscreen,” the report states. “By using “tixels” generated by electric fields from elements embedded around the screen, it can make areas of the screen feel rough, ridged or rounded – and change those just as the screen pixels can change.” The iPad X-factor? While this would still be a massive surprise, it could well be the X-factor that many Apple fans are hoping for amid reports that the iPad 3/ iPad HD will only see a modest upgrade. We’ll find out at 6pm UK time tomorrow when the event kicks off in San Francisco.

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