Monday, March 12, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Facebook Makes It Harder to Post From Google Blogger

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Want to share a post from your blog on Facebook ? If it’s a Blogger site, that just got harder. Facebook just added a Captcha check — a dialog box that asks you to type in hard-to-read text presented as a graphic — for any post shared from Blogger. Captcha tests are designed to filter out spam, since the bots that try to post spam links generally can’t read the words (and sometimes humans have trouble , too). The change does not appear to affect all Blogger sites. If you try posting from, say, the Official Google Mobile Blog , for example, there is no Captcha. However, if you want to post something from a lesser-known site, like this blog about a cat named Abbie, then there is one. It appears that if your blog is popular enough, the Captcha is lifted. Of course, this isn’t the first service for which Facebook has used a Captcha to prevent spam, If you try posting from a Tumblr site, chances are you’ll get the same treatment. However, Facebook lets you post from most other major blogging services — LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad and Squarespace — Captcha-free. SEE ALSO: Facebook Captcha: What You DON'T Need to Type Blogger, of course, is owned by Google and uses the domain. Facebook and Google have been fighting something of a digital cold war the last few years — both services making it difficult to share contact lists with the other, to name just one example. The war arguably turned hot last year when Google directly invaded Facebook’s market by launching its own social network, Google+. More recently, when Google changed its search engine to include social-media links, it gave Google+ preferential treatment over Facebook, even though the latter is much more popular. Engineers from Facebook and other social sites responded with a tool (pointedly named! DonR 17;t Be Evil , a Google tagline) that supposedly “corrects” the search results with social links from other services. Reps for Facebook and Google didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. What do you think of Facebook’s change to how it treats Blogger links? Just housekeeping to address spam, or another skirmish in its platform war with Google? Share your opinion in the comments. via ZDNet More About: blogger , captcha , Facebook , Google Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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