Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Mfarhanonline Deals: Today’s deal: 50% off Windows: The Official Magazine

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Mfarhanonline Tech News: Today’s exclusive offer is 50% off a year’s subscription to Windows: The Official Magazine with you paying just £2.61 an issue. That’s just £33.99 for 13 issues. Windows: The Official Magazine features all the best ways to get more from your Windows PC, along with in-depth advice on new hardware, the latest technology and the internet. There are helpful tutorials to help you get more from Windows Vista and Windows 7, along with articles on getting more from Windows Live, Windows XP and Windows Mobile. Head over to the Mfarhanonline Deals site to take advantage of this offer, but be quick – it’s limited to the first 100 subscriptions. About Mfarhanonline deals Mfarhanonline Deals, powered by, is a service for Mfarhanonline readers. This new and exciting service, open to our UK users, is designed to bring you massive discounts on all sorts of products, services and events that are highly relevant to tech and gadget fans. Here’s how it works… The Mfarhanonline Deals site offers fantastic deals with discounts of 50% or more off exclusive technology-related deals. Once you’re at our deals site you can get in on the deal by simply clicking ‘Buy’. After your purchase, your voucher will be emailed to you within minutes or you can log into your account to locate your voucher. Simple and secure. You can also sign up for our email newsletter and we will then email you regular deals that are at least 50% off goods and services from big name brands. Visit to check out today’s deal.

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