Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Welcome to Facebook Timeline, President Obama

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Facebook Timeline just got the presidential seal of approval: Barack Obama enabled the new profile design Thursday morning. Visitors to Obama’s Timeline are greeted with a smiling photo of the president alongside his cover photo, a graph often shared by Obama supporters that highlights the president’s job creation record. Putting that chart in such a prominent position makes sense, given Obama’s apparent strategy of running for re-election on an “ America is back ” platform of optimism about the country’s economic recovery. The president’s widgets include galleries of photographs and video content alongside links to donate to his re-election campaign or to buy Obama-themed swag. Scrolling down through Obama’s Timeline reveals photos of supporters at campaign events, more charts and graphs and video of the president himself. Clearly, Obama’s digital team got the most out of Facebook Timeline’s graphics-friendly format. A historical dive through Obama’s presidency on his Timeline reveals major administration accomplishments — repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, signing the Affordable Care Act, leaving Iraq, and so on. His Timeline also shows milestones in his personal life, such as the birth of his daughters. But the real nugget comes by clicking “born,” which marks a user’s birthday. “Born on August 4, 1961,” reads the page. “Made in the USA.” With that image, the campaign is poking fun at the controversy drummed up about President Obama’s birthplace. Supporters of the president can purchase the birth certificate coffee cup for $22.50 at Obama’s online shop. So far, the only Republican candidate for president to have enabled Facebook Timeline is Newt Gingrich , who is now running two separate Fa! cebook p ages. What do you think of President Obama’s Timeline page? Sound off in the comments below. Image courtesy of The White House More About: 2012 presidential campaign , barack obama , Facebook , facebook timeline Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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