Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Windows 8 Consumer Preview: How Would You Change It? OPEN THREAD

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Now that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview is available, we want to know what you think. Mfarhanonline’s Pete Pachal and Lance Ulanoff have already spent some hands-on time with Windows 8 Consumer Preview, detailing their thoughts on the new interface changes, as well as Microsoft’s greater mission of offering both a tablet and a desktop OS from the same system. Microsoft’s approach with Windows 8, especially from a unification standpoint, is in marked contrast to what Apple has done with iOS and OS X. Although OS X Mountain Lion is bringing more iOS elements to its desktop OS than ever before, the application ecosystem is still distinct and separate. SEE ALSO: Windows 8 Consumer Preview: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly REVIEW We want to know what you think about Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Users can download the preview now and give it a spin on their own machines (or virtual machines, as it were). What do you think of the new Metro interface? Do you like the new features built around sharing and web browsing? What would you like to see Microsoft improve or iterate before the final release hits the market? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. If you have questions for Pete or for one another, ask away! More About: Metro , microsoft , Microsoft Windows 8 , Windows 8 Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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