Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Control Netflix Movies Using Gestures or Voice With Kinect

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Watching and controlling Netflix movies on the Xbox 360 is now even more effortless, with added support for gesture and voice control from Microsoft Kinect . After downloading a software update from the Xbox 360 Video Marketplace, Kinect will react to your gestures and voice when you're using Netflix. That means you can play, fast-forward, rewind and pause movies and TV shows by controlling that magical hand on the bottom left of your screen with your own movements. Or you can just say “Xbox, Play,” for example, and your movie starts. There’s a catch, according to Xbox 360 Digest . Although all the Netflix movies are controllable using Microsoft Kinect, getting to them from elsewhere in the Xbox 360 interface will still require an Xbox 360 controller or remote unless you’re in a “special recommendations” section, where you can navigate between personally recommended movies and TV shows with the Kinect controller or your voice. So what is the point of this? Well, if you can’t find your remote or Xbox 360 controller, now, yelling at the TV will actually help. Your friends and colleagues might also be impressed by your wizardry, controlling Netflix movies with various gestures, or with your singularly commanding voice. We’re thinking this Netflix control via Kinect is a gimmick. But it could be useful if you need to take a quick bathroom break, calling out “Xbox, pause” over your shoulder as you bolt for the bathroom. But hey, it’s a free update, and if you already own the Kinect sensor hardware, this could be a fun toy to play with. More About: gesture control , kinect , netflix , software update , voice control , Xbox 360 For more Tech & Gadgets coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Tech & Gadgets on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Tech �! 38; Gadg ets channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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