Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Meditation better than drugs at giving pain relief

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Mfarhanonline News NEW YORK: According to a new study, meditation practice is actually more powerful than medication in terms of its ability to relieve pain.

Researchers from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina worked on this breakthrough study to take a closer look at the type of impact meditation had on pain, and how much relief it could provide.

Meditation is extremely complex, but breaking it down into simpler terms, it is a state you put your body in where your mind of free from the world around you.

The idea was to see how meditation compared to pain relief medication.

In a lab setting, researchers applied heat probes to male and female participants at a temperature of 120F.

They did this first while they were on medications or pain relief drugs, and then while they were meditating.

What researchers found is that the meditation allowed for further pain relief than the drugs.

Participants in meditation during this were 57% less unpleasant under these painful circumstances. They also stated that the heat was not as intense.

The study has been published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

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