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Monday, April 11, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Watermelons can help reduce high BP

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Mfarhanonline News NEW YORK: Watermelon can be very useful in reducing the blood pressure and controlling hypertension.

A substance extracted from watermelon seeds is alleged to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which leads to lowering the blood pressure. The seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.

For many people watermelon is a summer fun food. Current analysis now appears to indicate that this delicious fruit may also be an essential tool in lowering excessive blood pressure. Native to central Africa this fruit arrived within the Americas in the early 1600s and has grown in reputation ever since. In line with The University of Mfarhanonlinergia approximately a hundred million are now grown annually in America.

And now, researchers from USDA Agricultural Research Service, Texas AM University, College of Nevada, and Oklahoma State College, have reported that the levels of arginine within the blood increased by 22 % after 3 weeks of drinking watermelon juice with every meal. Arginine is a substance needed to provide nitric oxide, which has been proven to decrease blood pressure, reduce blood clotting and defend against myocardial infarction and strokes.

The study included 23 individuals who acquired 1560 grams of watermelon juice per day. Julie Collins, the lead writer of the research, reviews that the volunteers confirmed that fasting blood levels of arginine had increased by 22 % in three weeks. As a result of the watermelon juice research was not sustained longer than 3 weeks, it's not recognized if arginine levels will have remained steady at three weeks or if there would have been further increase with extended administration, stated the research workers.

Watermelons are outstanding diuretics:
They stimulate kidney action and enhance the production of urine which favors the elimination of toxins. It is low in fiber and its fats content is sort of non existent. Worth mentioning is its content of the carotenoids lutein and lycopene. Lycopene, the responsible pigment for the red colour in certain fruits, has de-oxidizing properties that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Moreover, watermelon assists decrease blood pressure, has de-oxidizing properties, fights infection, facilitates your body heal faster, can aid in weight management, and is a comfort meal that may sooth tension and stress. Now its only a matter of choosing a ripe melon.

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