Mfarhanonline Social Media News: While Twitter users have become more active in the past year, there are only a few who are consistently valuable, engaging and respected . Becoming one of those users is a challenging task, but it’s also something that can pay big dividends . That’s why we asked the world’s leaders in digital for their advice on how to become a master Twitter user. On May 12-14, several hundred of the world’s digital leaders gathered in Orlando for the first-ever Mfarhanonline Connect , an intimate three-day conference focused on the impact of social media and digital on entertainment, media, technology and society. Connect attendees, along with Team Mfarhanonline , had the chance to hear about the biggest trends in digital from the leaders of Syfy, HBO, Edelman, Gowalla, Tumblr, Buddy Media and more. On Saturday, I walked around the conference floor, asking Connect attendees one simple question: “What one tip do you have for best using Twitter?” I got a wide variety of responses from CEOs, entrepreneurs and accomplished professionals in the digital world. Some had very simple advice, while others had proverb-like quotations. But each had something completely different to say about the world’s hottest microblogging service. Here’s the sage advice our Connect attendees had to give: Twitter Tips 1) @jeffpulver , Casting Director, #140conf: “The secret to Twitter is to listen, connect, share and engage. It’s the conversations that matter.” 2) @davepeck , Director of Community, Meshin: “Respond to everybody, positive or negative.” 3) @michiganflavor , COO, MIFlavor.com: “Retweet, retweet, retweet. People love to see their stuff retweeted, and they’ll start retweeting you.” 4) @shrmsocmedguy , Social Media Strategist, Shrm: “Use your tweeting to se! t up mee tings.” 5) @dstatusstalker , Chief Status Stalker, Status Stalker: “Start a conversation. Reach out to others, and say hello.” 6) @kratzpr , Founder, Kratz PR: “Don’t think of it as a tool, think of it as a gateway for being social.” 7) @ctreada , CEO, Notice Technologies: “Ignore it; they’re all pornographers anyway.” (Chris’s other tip: “Chill out.”) @jkrohrs , VP of Marketing, ExactTarget: “Don’t tweet if you can’t spell.” 9) @moniguzman , Director of Outreach, Intersect: “Tweet what comes naturally. Don’t try to fulfill someone else’s expectations.” 10) @shashib , Social Media Swami, Network Solutions: “More than an RSS feed, connecting with people on Twitter gives you interesting content that is validated by them.” 11) @jennydevaughn , Director, Social Strategy, @HODES : “You need to have brand sacrifice if you want to be viewed as an expert in your field. Only tweet about 10 topics, events or ideas.” 12) @robkey , CEO, Converseon: “Embrace your insignificance.” 13) @zagrrl : VP Technology, Innovation Center for US Diary: “The best way to learn is to share.” 14) @heidiotway : VP & Director Social Media, Salter Mitchell: “Follow the best, learn from the best.” 15) @jonnorp , Director of Social Media, American Airlines: “Remember that it flies forever.” 16) @chrisvary , Director of Emerging Technology, Weber Shandwick: “Don’t connect your Twitter to Facebook.” 17) @joeyinteractive , Interactive Creative Director, Disney Parks: “Marketing doesn’t spread; stories do.” More About: advice , Mfarhanonline , Mfarhanonline connect , twitter , Twitter Advice For more Social Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to ! the Soci al Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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