Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mfarhanonline:What New iPad Feature Are You Most Excited About? POLL

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: As expected, Apple launched an upgrade to its iPad franchise Wednesday. For months we debated and discussed what features would be upgraded and what would be added to the iPad 3. In recent days, the iPad 3 came to be known as the iPad HD, and now we know it as just the iPad. Much like when the iPhone 4S came out — instead of the iPhone 5 — there was some sense of letdown after the announcement, but the name doesn’t really matter. It all comes down to features, or lack thereof. In the case of the iPad, there are some very intriguing upgrades. For example, Apple introduced the anticipated high definition retina display and 4G LTE capability. Siri however, is a very glaring omission, though the new iPad does feature dictation. We’ve put together a list of some of the more prominent features on the new device, and we’re interested in hearing what you’re most excited about. Though the retina display is probably the most buzzed-about addition, it doesn’t mean it’s the only one worth upgrading for. Some features — such as the new A5X chip — are more “under the hood” features that won’t bring the sex appeal in the same way that a new camera will. And though iPhoto is not part of the bundle, as it costs an extra $4.99, it was one of the features Apple touted most Wednesday and it does look like an impressive addition to iOS. Take our poll and and let us know what feature you’re looking forward to the most. Don’t see your choice? Let us know in the comments and tell us why. What New iPad Feature Are You Most Excited About? 1. Retina Display The most touted feature of the new iPad is its ultra-high-resolution “retina” display , which clocks in at 2,048 x 1,536 pixels — a million more pixels than a 1080p HDTV. Thanks to the extra pi! xels and the iPad’s new graphics processor, the screen has 44% better color saturation. The screen’s pixels are so small, Apple says it had to change the design of the LCD itself to elevate the pixels above the circuitry to prevent distortion. Apple calls it the best display ever made for a mobile device, and — from the specs — it’s hard to disagree. Click here to view this gallery. More About: apple , Gadgets , iOS , ipad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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