Friday, April 1, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Color Updates App, Addresses Speed & UI Problems

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Color, the geolocation social network and photo-sharing app that made major headlines last week , has updated its iPhone app with major speed and UI changes. The application, available for iPhone and Android, is a combination of social networking and photo sharing. Unlike traditional social networks though, there is no “friending” or “following” — the app figures out your social graph from implicit data such as who you hang out with and who you’re interacting with the most. It also lets you see the albums people are creating near you, whether they’re a friend or a stranger. The company, which raised an astounding $41 million in venture capital before its launch, has received mixed reviews for the app. While Color has interesting technology (it can figure out who’s in a room based on ambient sound and light), its interface has been criticized as confusing; and the app is useless when nobody is nearby. Last week, Mfarhanonline spoke with CEO Bill Nguyen about these issues; at that time, Nguyen promised Color would fix these issues in the next update. True to those words, Color 1.0.2 addresses some of these complaints with a series of stability improvements, updated icons and navigation changes. The first thing you’ll notice is the inclusion of several new icons. These icons, which include captions when you press them, provide easier access to a user’s feed, history, notifications and nearby photos. Color has also replaced some icons that were difficult to understand. One example is the Heart icon, which shares photo albums on Facebook, Twitter and SMS. It has been replaced with a more intuitive paper airplane icon, making its purpose clear. In addition to the icon and UI changes, Color 1.0.2 adds big speed improvements, as the lack of speed had hindered the app’s ! usabilit y. Finally, the app is now available in three additional languages: Japanese, French and Chinese. What do you think of the updated version of the app? Will it make you use it more, or is it too little, too late? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. More About: apple , color , iOS , iphone app For more Social Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Social Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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