Friday, April 1, 2011

Mfarhanonline:Our Favorite YouTube Videos This Week: The Rhythmic Silliness Edition

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Weekends should be all about levity. And dancing. Which is why we asked audio-visual artists (and frequent Mfarhanonline party headliners) Eclectic Method to curate this week’s YouTube Roundup. The theme? Rhythmic Silliness. It’s been a big couple of weeks for the guys in Eclectic Method . Their first single, “Outta Sight” (featuring Chuck D from Public Enemy), dropped on March 15 via a special microsite , and they also appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon just this week. Check out the video for their single below, and then head down the page for a lovely melange of dancey silliness. (Ian Edgar is the dude from Eclectic Method.) O.A.U!, “AV Drum Machine” Ian Edgar: You got to stick it out a couple of minutes with this whimsical video rhythm piece by Spanish a/v nonsense merchants, OAU! It’s a criminally underviewed clip, but that adds to the joy of watching these two guys put a fair bit of effort into something really pretty silly, a simulation of a video drum machine featuring themselves. Perhaps we see ourselves in them, fellow accelerators of the global video apocalypse. Rahzel, “Iron Man” Emily Banks: This is just crazy, and I have no idea how he does it. Reggie Watts Zachary Sniderman: This was inevitable. Fatboy Slim, “Weapon Of Choice” Brian Dresher: One of my all-time faves…Christopher Walken with amazing dance moves in the “Weapon of Choice” video. Pi Video by Hard n’ Phirm Josh Catone: It’s a mathematical constant. CathyMay15, “Boom Boom Boom” Way Ho Girl Ada Ospina: … Or lack there of. I’ve never heard Rachel Black but I’m team #CathyMay15. Stone Forrest Ensemble Erica Swallow: One of my favorite bands is Stone Forest Ensemble. I’m constantly amazed at their rhythmic amazingness. An! drew Bir d’s One-Man Orchestra of the Imagination Josh Catone: Andrew Bird at TED = awesome. If I ever win the lottery, I plan to hire this man to score my life. NewVillager, “LightHouse” Brenna Ehrlich: This video looks like it would be fun to live in. A little NSFW. More About: eclectic method , music , viral videos , youtube For more Video coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Video on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Video channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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