Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mfarhanonline:DR Congo president’s aide killed in plane crash

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Mfarhanonline News


A close aide to DR Congo President Joseph Kabila was killed and the country s finance minister seriously injured in a plane crash on Sunday in the east of the country, the president s office said.


The statement identified Kabila s aide as Augustin Katumba Mwanke, 48, considered a key member of Kabila s entourage, who had the ear of the president.


Finance Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo was in a serious condition, while Sud-Kivu governor Marcellin Tshisambo had suffered fractures in both legs, said an airport official.


The plane overshot the runway at Bukavu airport, the president s office said.


"There were three killed: two American crew members and one passenger," Mwanke, a Bukavu airport official told AFP on condition of anonymity, adding that there had been eight passengers on the aircraft.


Mwanke and the pilot "died on the spot," a source at the presidency said.


The twin-engine Gulfstream 200 had flown in from the capital Kinshasa via Goma and apparently missed its landing at Bukavu airport, in the vast country s east.


"It touched down only halfway down the runway and went skidding into a ditch beyond the runway. The plane is damaged," the airport official said.

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