Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mfarhanonline:NBC to Dissect Super Bowl Ads in Post-Game Google+ Hangout

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: When Google first rolled out Hangout video chats for Google+ , part of the plan involved allowing hanger-outers to watch YouTube videos together . While many questioned the usefulness of the feature, we’re now seeing what Google had in mind all along: a Super Bowl post-game Hangout where users dissect the big game’s commercials. Okay, maybe it wasn’t part of the Google+ Master Plan at the initial unveiling, but a Hangout based around Super Bowl ads does strike us as one of the better uses of the service’s YouTube integration. Google’s partnering with NBC to run the Hangout, tapping sports business reporter Darren Rovell to host. "The day after the Super Bowl is when people head back to their office water coolers to discuss what they loved and what they didn’t," Rovell said in a press release. "Our conversation is about taking all those water cooler conversations and bringing it to a national, digital stage." SEE ALSO: Who's Winning? The Most-Shared Super Bowl Ads So Far As part of the deal, NBC will promote YouTube’s Ad Blitz , the page where the site asks users to vote on their favorite Super Bowl ads. In turn, YouTube will serve up NBC ads and promos for the big game all weekend. This marks the first time YouTube has had any kind of partnership with the Super Bowl broadcaster. Rovell will reveal the winning ad of the Ad Blitz on his CNBC show, SportsBiz: Game On on Feb. 17. Google+ Hangouts are generally limited to 10 users, but some users can create “Hangouts on Air,” which expand beyond that limit by allowing others to watch the Hangout as a live stream on YouTube. Love the idea of an official Google+ Hangout about the ads? Will you join? Let us know in the comments. BONUS: The Most Popular Super Bowl Ads So Far 1. “The Bark Side” (Vokswagen) Not s! urprisin gly, the sequel to the most-shared ad of last year’s Super Bowl, and of all of 2011 for that matter, is leading the pack this year. Volkswagen released this video last week showing dogs barking to the tune of Star Wars’s “The Imperial March.” So does that mean there will be dogs in this year’s ad? More Star Wars? We’ll know soon enough. Click here to view this gallery. More About: Google , nbc , Super Bowl , Super Bowl ads , super bowl commercials , YouTube Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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