Monday, February 6, 2012

Mfarhanonline:OK Go Plays 1,000 Instruments With a Car in Stunning New Video

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: The band OK Go is known for its imaginative and original videos, and its latest, for “Needing/Getting”, is no exception. This time the folks from OK Go played the instruments used in the song – with a car. They outfitted a Chevy Sonic with retractable pneumatic arms, and then drove it around with the arms hitting more than 1,000 actual instruments posted on the side of the road in a desert near Los Angeles. What makes the entire project really amazing (and a bit crazy) is the fact that the entire stunt was not only about the visual side of things: the instruments were actually producing sounds. For example, “each piano had the lowest octaves tuned to the same note so that they’d play the right note no matter where they were struck,” says the band in the video description on YouTube. The video took four months of preparation and four days of shooting and recording, and parts of the video were used in Chevrolet’s Chevy Sonic ad , which premiered during the Super Bowl Sunday. Previous OK Go projects include an interactive HTML5 video , done in cooperation with Google, and a new version of the Muppet Show theme, filmed with characters from the show. More About: Chevy Sonic , Music , OK Go , trending , Video For more Entertainment coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Entertainment on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Entertainment channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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