Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mfarhanonline:New Google Project Asks Internet Users to Forgo Privacy While Surfing the Web

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: A new project from Google is trying to learn “how everyday people use the Internet” — by looking over their shoulders while surfing the web. The project, called Screenwise, is accepting volunteers to install a browser extension that will share browsing information with Google. “What we learn from you, and others like you, will help us improve Google products and services and make a better online experience for everyone,” Google says on the Screenwise site . Volunteers earn a $5 Amazon gift card just for signing up and can earn up to $25. Google requires volunteers be at least 13 years old, have a Google account and be willing to use Chrome . Google told Search Engine Land : "Like many other web and media companies, we do panel research to help better serve our users by learning more about people's media use, on the web and elsewhere. This panel is one such small project that started near the beginning of the year. Of course, this is completely optional to join. People can choose to participate if it's of interest (or if the gift appeals) and everyone who does participate has complete transparency and control over what Internet use is being included in the panel. People can stay on the panel as long as they'd like, or leave at any time." Check out the video above to learn more. Would you be willing to let Google watch how you use the web? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto , alija More About: Google , Mfarhanonline video Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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