Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Windows 8 Consumer Preview Event Set for Feb. 29

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Microsoft chose a special day — Leap Day — for its special event: the official unveiling of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. The Redmond software giant began seeding invites for its exclusive event in Barcelona, Spain, where the Mobile World Congress trade show is also being held. There were virtually no details beyond the invite, but it’s expected Microsoft will open Windows 8 downloads to consumers who will be able to install and preview the new OS on current hardware. Typically, these previews cease to function sometime after the final operating system ships, which will likely be this fall. The Consumer Preview should also represent the first major update since Microsoft delivered the Developer’s Preview at its Build conference in September of last year. Response to this anticipated update should be big: millions downloaded the Developers Preview last fall. SEE ALSO: Windows 8: Can Two Interfaces Survive Side-by-Side? OPINION Mfarhanonline has been running that first preview for months and reading the steady stream of posts from the Windows 8 team on its Building Windows 8 Blog , which outlined how Windows 8 will handle everything from memory- and power management to virtualization, password protection and sign-in. With its cubist, Metro-style interface, Windows 8 represents one of the most fundamental changes in the platform’s 27-year history. Microsoft sold 450 million copies of Windows 7, so there is a vast, built-in audience for Windows 8. Still, the company reported in a recent earnings call that PC sales were flat (mostly because of declining netbooks sales). Clearly, Microsoft wants to get consumers excited about the next version of Windows and help reignite Windows sales across desktops, laptops and, now, tablets (the category that ate the netbook’s lunch). The event is scheduled t! o last t wo hours, which means we should get a complete rundown of all the differences between the Developer and Consumer builds, the ecosystem Microsoft wants to build around the Metro interface platform and, finally, see some new hardware running Windows 8. We have, of course, briefly seen a laptop or two, like Lenovo’s Yoga , running Windows 8, but we’re still waiting for the anticipated parade of ARM -based Windows 8 tablets. Mfarhanonline will be reporting from the event later this month. Bonus: A Closer Look at Windows 8 Windows 8 Devices Microsoft demonstrated a lot of Windows 8 devices, including tablet devices, at its Build conference in Anaheim, CA. Click here to view this gallery. More About: desktops , laptops , microsoft , Mobile World Congress , tablets , trending , Windows 8 Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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