Friday, January 13, 2012

Mfarhanonline:8 Rumors About the iPad 3: What It Could Look Like, When It Could Arrive

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: 1. Minor Upgrades iLounge recently reported that it saw a prototype of the next-generation iPad at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and that it looks just like the iPad 2, only thicker by about 1 mm. The camera in the top left corner is expected to be a bit larger than the iPad 2 and similar to the improved camera featured on the iPhone 4S. It's also been rumored that the next-generation iPad will have a high-resolution screen – possibly even double dpi — and a stronger interior. However, the updates seen by iLounge seem to be more cosmetic than structural. Could the next-generation device be an upgrade similar to that of the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 4S? Click here to view this gallery. The tech industry and its user base love to buzz about the arrival of new Apple products, and the next-generation iPad is likely to be the next big product unveiled by the company. Speculations about a February or March announcement date have been circulating throughout the web for some time now, and since that's in line with the company's product launch cycle, we wouldn't be surprised if this rumor holds true. But there's no guarantee that the latest tablet from Apple will even be called an iPad 3 — there's always the possibility of Apple releasing an iPad HD with only a few updates from the iPad 2. In fact, a recent report from iLounge noted that a prototype of the new version of the Apple tablet was at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show – you just wouldn't know because it looks almost identical to the iPad 2. SEE ALSO: Is the iPad 3 at CES? | iPad Survives 100,000+ Fall from Space VIDEO However, will it have Siri ? Will it be unveiled on Steve Jobs’s birthday, Feb. 24? Will previous models be cheaper? For a full run down of the latest rumors, check out the gallery above. More About: apple , ipad , iP! ad 2 , i pad 3 , siri , trending For more Dev & Design coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Dev & Design on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Dev & Design channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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