Monday, January 30, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Behind the Scenes of Twitterâs No-Cost Viral Recruiting Video

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Twitter’s viral job recruitment video took the web by storm over the weekend, already gaining nearly half a million views — and it didn’t cost the company a dime. “We spent zero dollars on this film, using only existing equipment,” explain the video makers and members of Twitter’s corporate design team, Jeremy Briggs and Ian Padgham. Also involved was Olivia Watkins, a member of the recruiting team. According to Twitter , Briggs brought in his old camera from home for the low-quality scenes and Padgham drew the featured picture of CEO Dick Costolo on a whiteboard in a conference room. Everyone participating in the video actually works at Twitter. “I think the project really embodied the team spirit essence of #Hackweek,” Padgham says. The video was one of many projects derived from a week-long event at Twitter where employees stepped away from their desks to come up with ways to enhance the company. Nearly 100 teams participated in this year’s Hack Week. “Recruiting videos are the worst,” Padgham explains. “Jeremy and I decided to make the worst possible video ever, since there was no way to make a good one. Knowing that #HackWeek was coming up, we wanted to have fun and embrace the awesome creative environment you find at Twitter.” In 2010, Twitter created a recruiting video (also under Briggs’ assistance) in a similar cheesy style, which was designed to pay tribute to Wes Anderson’s film, Rushmore . Although it’s too early to say what the outcome is for Twitter’s employment, the video has definitely grabbed the web’s attention. While Twitter is known to be a mega fanbase for Justin Bieber , it looks like his people are fond of Twitter too. CHECKMATE, internet. The director of Justin Bieber’s videos wants to work ! @ Twitte r thanks to our film:!/jonmchu/sta… @ briggles — Ian Padgham ☑ (@origiful) January 28, 2012 “We have been blown away by the positive reaction on almost all of our channels — tweets, YouTube and Facebook comments, and even Google+ posts,” Padgham and Briggs say. “Even the guy who makes Justin Bieber’s videos wants to work at Twitter now.” More About: features , humor , Recruiting , Twitter , Video , viral videos Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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