Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Girl Scoutâs Call for Cookie Boycott Goes Viral. Is It Hate Speech? VIDEO

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: UPDATE: Shortly after this story was posted the video was made “private.” The number of views on YouTube jumped to 234,787 since we published this story. In a recent video gaining traction on the web, a teenage Girl Scout calls for a boycott of their famous cookies after a 7-year-old transgendered girl was admitted into a Colorado Girl Scout troop. The 8-minute clip on YouTube has been viewed more than 134,000 times in a little more than 12 hours since it began circulating the web. In the video, a Girl Scout identified by World News Daily as 14-year-old Taylor from Ventura County, Calif., claims the organization is “promoting the desires of a small handful of people” “GSUSA and councils are focused on adult agendas that have nothing to do with helping girls,” she says in the video. Supporters of transgender rights and the Girls Scouts’ inclusionary rules started Tweeting the hashtag #trans on Wednesday when the video began making rounds on the web. The clip was posted on Jan. 3 and had only 778 views on Wednesday. By early Thursday, the video had more than 135,000 views. Girl Scouts has been a popular topic online for the past few days, but that might be in part because it’s cookie-selling season — and a new cookie, “Savannah Smiles”, was unveiled last Friday. Many users took to Twitter to say they’re going to be buying more cookies this year in support of the Girl Scouts, and to protest the boycott. Appearing to be reading from a script, the teen lists her complaints against the organization: Having biological boys in the Girl Scouts organization presents a safety hazard for girls. Money from cookies sales goes to the organization that promotes these issues, she says. At the end of the video, Taylor asks viewers to visit the website w! here a f lyer stating the Girl Scouts of the USA promotes abortion and LGBT rights is available for download. The teen recited a statement from the Girl Scouts of Colorado as quoted in the Baptist Press, “We accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.” Girls Scouts of Central California respond to the video on their Facebook page on Thursday and posted the link on Twitter . “For 100 years, Girl Scouts has prided itself on being an inclusive organization serving girls from all walks of life,” Girl Scouts of the USA said in a statement given to Mfarhanonline . “We handle cases involving transgender children on a case by case basis with a focus on ensuring the welfare and best interests of the child in question and the other girls in the troop as our highest priority.As a beloved American institution, the Girl Scout Cookie Program is a natural target for those seeking to draw attention to themselves or their cause. “It’s important for everyone to know that nearly 100% of the proceeds from these sales stay in the local market and are used to fund programs for girls.” YouTube removes videos that violate their Terms of Use , which includes the following rule: “We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).” Some viewers believe a recent Rick Perry campaign ad came close to hate speech, but the video was not taken down. Do you think this video qualifies as hate speech — or is this teen exercising her First Amendment rights? What do you think about YouTube’s Terms of Use? Tell us in the comments. More About: girl scouts , hashtags , YouTube For mo! re Socia l Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Social Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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