Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Obamaâs State of the Union Address Sees 760,000 Tweets INFOGRAPHIC

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Twitter has released the official stats showing the activity of its users during President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, providing an interesting insight in how the Twittersphere reacted to various parts of the speech. During the event, Twitter promoted five official hashtags: #jobs, #manufacturing, #energy, #education and #fairness. Unsurprisingly, those were among the hottest topics of the day, with #education being number one with 35,972 tweets. The highlights of the event, in terms of Twitter traffic, were Obama’s mention of Steve Jobs, the part about energy and the President’s “Spilled Milk” line, which caused less than enthusiastic response from the listeners. According to Twitter, the top tweeter on the Democrat side was Gabrielle Giffords. “Team: Last year, a seat for Rep. Giffords was left empty between Reps. Flake & Grijalva. This year, they sit beside her. #bipartisan,” she tweeted during the address. The top tweeting republican was Aaron Schock, who tweeted : “The top 5% pay over 58% of all income taxes. These are job creators. Mr. President, when is it enough? #4jobs.” We followed the event as it unfolded on Twitter , and you can now see Twitter’s official stats in the image below. Did you tweet during the address? If so, what parts prompted you to take to Twitter? Tell us in the comments. More About: barack obama , state of the union , trending , tweet , tweets , Twitter For more Social Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Social Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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