Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mfarhanonline:T-Mobile G-Slate Review –

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Mfarhanonline Mobiles News Twitter: Facebook: Empire Avenue: Samsung is releasing the Touch Wiz update for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 on August 5. We have our update and a hands on tour. This is the first custom overlay on an Android Honeycomb tablet and adds some cool features and needed uniqueness from other honeycomb tablets in the market. On the home screen you still have the same 5 desktops but now you have the number indicator on the top to let you know which one you are on. They’ve made some changes to the navigation bar and notification area. The navigation bar adds a new screenshot icon to take a snapshot of anything that you have on-screen. There is also a new Mini Apps tray that include the new task manager, calendar, world clock, pen memo, calculator and music player. These apps will run on top of any of the applications you have open and move across the screen like a widget. So such as if you are doing some online banking and need a calculator it will show up on top and you can interact with both the browser and the calculator at the same time. The notification center got a facelift and now includes the power center that you see in Galaxy S phones when you swipe down on the top of the phone. This will allow you to turn on and on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Notifications, Flight mode, Sound and Auto rotation. (Screen capture won’t let us grab a shot of this so check it in the vide) Touch Wiz adds Live Panel widgets which give you quick …

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