Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Twitter Gobbles Up Summify

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Twitter has acquired startup company Summify, a social aggregation service that collects news stories that are being shared on your social networks and puts them into a daily summary. Summify – which launched by two Romanian entrepreneurs – took to its blog page on Thursday to announce the news. Before the company moves from Vancouver to San Francisco to work out of the Twitter office, it’s putting the stops on new account registrations and will remove some of its key features. It's currently unknown how Twitter will integrate Summify's business strategy with its own. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. “Our long-term vision at Summify has always been to connect people with the most relevant news for them, in the most time efficient manner," Summify said via its blog. "As hundreds of millions of people worldwide are signing up and consuming Twitter, we realized it's the best platform to execute our vision at a truly global scale. Since Twitter shared this vision with us, joining the company made perfect sense.” SEE ALSO: Overwhelmed By News? Summify Picks The Top 5 Articles You Should Read Although Summify will be removing its profile and influence pages effectively immediately, it will keep private summaries intact. However, public summaries will also be getting the boot. “We are offering a more streamlined service as we transition our efforts to working at Twitter,” the company noted on its blog. Twitter wouldn’t elaborate how exactly Summify’s integration would impact the social networking site. However, Twitter rep Carolyn Penner told Mfarhanonline that it “will help people connect and engage with relevant, timely news.” In March 2011, the company picked up steam when it launched its e-mail summary product, which was dedicated to delivering the top five ! news sto ries to users based on what their friends shared and liked. “We’ve been blown away by the response ever since," Summify said via the blog post. “Many of our users tell us we found a magical solution to a truly unsolved problem.” Summify noted it will keep its e-mail summary model for a few more weeks. Are you sad to see Summify go? How do you think Twitter will integrate its services into the site? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. More About: social networks , Summify , Twitter For more Social Media coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Social Media on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Social Media channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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