Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mfarhanonline:RIM co-CEOs step down

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Mfarhanonline Tech News: RIM founders and co-CEO’s Mike Lazaridis and Jim Basillie have resigned their roles. After 20-years at the top the pair have finally thrown in the towel as the BlackBerry-maker looks to emerge from its recent slump. Lazardis and Basillie will hand over the reigns on Monday morning, with the former becoming vice chairman and the later remaining on the board. RIM has confirmed the WSJ reports that “little known company insider” Thorsten Heins will lead the BlackBerry-maker in the new era. Heins currently serves as the company COO. Long-term value The new head the company, who’s title will be President and CEO says: “Mike and Jim took a bold step 18 months ago when RIM purchased QNX to shepherd the transformation of the BlackBerry platform for the next decade.” “We are more confident than ever that was the right path. It is Mike and Jim’s continued unwillingness to sacrifice long-term value for short-term gain which has made RIM the great company that it is today. I share that philosophy and am very excited about the company’s future.” You can see Heins introduce himself in the video below. YouTube :

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