Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mfarhanonline:How a Professional Pain Point Led to a Disruptive Business Idea VIDEO

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Look books are the traditional, non-digital, paper catalogs that fashion designers use to show off their designs to magazine writers and editors. Fed up with the cumbersome process of having to look through every page to find the right item, Meggan Crum envisioned a website where she could just click on the items she needed via an online shopping-style web site, and have them delivered to her. She ran the idea by her colleague and good friend, Mandy Tang, who was getting her MBA at Columbia. The two then decided to found The Runthrough, a site that is shaking up the editorial side of the fashion industry. Check out our interview with Mandy and Meggan to learn how they launched using Lean Startup principles, the challenges of running a company with two co-founders and how they go their business off the ground. Thanks to Mike Brown, Jr. for hosting our shoot at AOL Ventures . Follow Venture Studio , in association with Mfarhanonline , which is brought to you by Square1 Bank . The show is hosted by Dave Lerner , a 3x entrepreneur and angel investor. To join Venture Studio’s Facebook page, click here . More Recent Episodes of Venture Studio: How a Niche Email Newsletter Grew to a Million Subscribers VIDEO How 4 Business Students Took on the Eyewear Industry VIDEO How a Handful of Small Investors Built Silicon Valley VIDEO More About: fashion , Mfarhanonline video , Startups , Venture , venture studio , Video For more Business coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Business on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Business channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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