Monday, January 16, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Birds and Mice Come to Life on Your Plate With Augmented Reality App VIDEO

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Ever imagine a bird hopping around your plate or a mouse walking across it? A new augmented reality iOS app makes wall plates painted with flora and fauna appear to come alive.  AR apps are becoming more and more popular among brands — including Royal Winton Fine Bone China — who want consumers to interact with new products. SEE ALSO: Starbucks Holiday Cups Come to Life With Augmented Reality App Unanico Group animation studio created the 3D app called English Hedgerow for well-known UK ceramic designer Andrew Tanner’s new Chintz plate design. Watch the video above to learn more and see the app in action. iOS users can download the app and a picture of the plate for free to view the animation and hear flies buzzing and birds chirping. More About: apple , Augmented Reality , Mfarhanonline video , Video Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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