Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mfarhanonline:SPIN to Review Most Albums Via Twitter

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Long-winded music reviews are getting a tune up. SPIN announced on Wednesday that it will be squeezing the majority of its album reviews into 140-character tweets. SPIN is pulling most of the reviews out of its print magazine and will be tweeting them instead under the handle @SPINreviews . Senior editor Chris Weingarten told Mfarhanonline that about 120 of the 140 albums the publication plans to review each month in short form on Twitter . Long-form reviews will be saved for albums SPIN believes are the best and most newsworthy. In total, it plans to cover a total of 1,500 new records this year, all reviewed by its eight in-house editors and a team of a dozen freelancers. “We are completely changing the way we approach reviews,” Weingarten said. “Most of our reviews were between 60 and 80 words, but people just want to get information fast and then decide for themselves if they like the music.” Weingarten is no stranger to tweeting album reviews in such few characters – he's been doing so for the past few years via @1000timesyes . He tweeted more than 1,000 music reviews in 2009. “The days of wasting people’s time with 1,000 words about a record that we don't even think is good is over," Weingarten said. "In addition, there's something really artistic and poetic about making a review short, simple and to the point.” The tweet reviews will also be featured on the site, which is currently undergoing a major redesign. Weingarten declined to comment on when it will go live, but promises it will look “beautiful.” In 2011, SPIN embraced the Newsstand app on iOS devices, allowing users to get news and reviews from Called Spin Play – which costs $1.99 for each issue or $7.99 for an annual subscription – the app also offers streaming songs and videos. SPIN! said th at it plans to “integrate the Twitter feed into the reviews section on the new site” once the redesign is live. Do you think summing up an entire album in just 140 characters will do it justice? Is this the future of publication reviews? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. More About: Music , spin , Twitter For more Entertainment coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Entertainment on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Entertainment channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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