Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mfarhanonline:Todayâs Top Stories: Apple Mystery Event, Browser Wars, C64â²s 30th Birthday

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Mfarhanonline Social Media News: Welcome to this morning's edition of " First To Know ," a series in which we keep you in the know on what's happening in the digital world. Today, we're looking at three particularly interesting stories. Internet Explorer Still the Most Popular Browser, but Chrome is Growing Fast Internet Explorer is still the world’s most popular browser , but it lost (together with Firefox) a chunk of its market share to Chrome, according to the latest data from StatCounter and Net Applications. In fact, Chrome was was the only browser showing serious growth in 2011, having gained 9% market share according to Net Applications and 11% market share according to StatCounter. Google’s browser is definitely a force to be reckoned with, and – if the current trend continues – in 2012 it might solidify its number two position on the market. Apple Planning a Media-Related Event in January Apple will hold a special event in New York City this January, sources claim, but it’s not likely that the company will show any new hardware. Instead, it will be a media-related event, with Apple's senior vice president of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue in attendance. The event has not been officially confirmed yet, and what, exactly, Apple will announce in New York City remains a mystery. Commodore 64 Hits 30 The legendary personal computer Commodore 64 is now 30 years old. It was unveiled at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in 1982, with volume production starting in August that year. Its 1.023 MHu CPU and 64 kB RAM sound laughable today, but at the time the 64 offered a great gaming platform and a productivity tool at a cheap $595 price. The Commodore 64 turned out to be one of the most successful single personal computers ever, with as much as 12.5 million units sold . Image courtesy of iStockphoto , DNY59 Mo! re About : apple , chrome , Firefox , first to know , first to know series , internet explorer , morning brief , Today’s top stories For more Tech coverage: Follow Mfarhanonline Tech on Twitter Become a Fan on Facebook Subscribe to the Tech channel Download our free apps for Android , Mac , iPhone and iPad Social Media reviews series maintain by Mayya

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